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The GraveYard

As I develop and grow, I realize not all of my projects should be on my portfolio anymore but I have a hard time getting rid of the works that were key steps in my growing and learning experience. So this space is where these projects are laid to rest, but not entirely forgotten.


Created in 2019 during the fall semester of my freshman year of college in Adobe After Effects. It's silly and cheesy and hard to let go of a dragon with their tail stuck in a door. I drew and animated everything in it.

Saloon Environment

Created in 2019-2020, this work really shows my love of old westerns. I hand painted and modeled everything in this scene. Then use it for an animation that is further discussed under S.O.S. Studios section below. This was a really fun way to gain some experience in modeling and in painting in 3D. This is an early early glimpse of my 3D work

Sink or Swim Studios





While this project is admittedly a god awful animation made in 2020, it was a fantastic learning experience. I learned about working in and leading a team, had a taste of what a full production pipeline in an industry would look like, and was able to try my hand at every aspect of creating a 3D animated movie. 

Meet Our Staff:
Tabitha Broering
Kate Koury- Project Manager
  • Logo Design

  • Story Board

  • The Kid Character Design

  • The Challenger Character design

  • The Kid model

  • The Kid Textured

  • Both Characters Rigged

  • Environment modeled

  • Environment Textured

  • Composited 

Benjamin Fair
  • Clothing Simulation

  • General Animation

  • Editing/lighting Scene

  • helped render

Jessica Barkemeyer
  • Challenger Clothing Modeler

  • Animation of Confused challenger

Roni Kolli
  • Challenger Clothing Texture

  • Animation of Stand off scene

Spencer Todd
  • Gun Model

  • Gun Texture

  • Animation of the Kid's gun being raised

Preproduction and Description: 
Showdown is a different twist on one might expect out of an old western bar fight or a good old-fashioned show down. The challenger certainly was expecting something more traditional, but the Yeehaw Kid has other ideas. Any hesitation is all it takes to lose the fight.  I was heavily inspired by classical old western movies like The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly  and Once Upon a Time in the West. Westerns hold a special place in my heart and the characters and scenes that stem from them are iconic.
Story Board

Child's Rooms Assets

These next two models were both created to be background pieces in a video game I was making with Game Developers United, a club at Purdue. The premise of the game was that you are a RC car racing around a child's room. We needed a bunch of toys and random props to help fill the space and create the cluttered feeling of a child's room. While the game didn't end up being finished because of COVID interrupting the club mid semester, I was still able to whip these up. These were fun to do, both were my own designs. I wanted to add some whimsy and playfulness to the items we added to the rooms. Both were textured and modeled in Maya.

3D Models

I was aiming to recreate Johannes Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring. The original painting is alluring and mysterious and I had fun recreating it. The rest are miscellaneous models with their reference images that I have done in the process of learning effective 3D pipelines and techniques. There are issues with the UVs, textures, and wireframes that I have since learned to co
Project Book
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